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Phone Numbers count as one word, E-mail Addresses count as two words, and URLs count as three words.
Your contact information is used solely by Brown Alumni Magazine should there be need to contact you regarding your ad. This contact information will not be published.
Brown Alumni Magazine is printed six times per year. The next print issue is Jun/Jul/Aug; Ads must be submitted by 03/10 to appear in this issue.
Ads placed before 03/10 will appear in print in the Jun/Jul/Aug issue, but will appear online earlier if an earlier date is chosen. If you do not want your ad to appear online before the printed issue, please select an appropriate start date close to the Jun/Jul/Aug issue.
Ads are billed by number of insertions. Each insertion represents a 60 day period. Bonus: ads may appear online in advance of the printed magazine for no additional fee. Online ads appear for a period of 60 days.
Fee is calculated: ((Number of Words × Rate ) × Insertions)